The Executive Committee consists of the Officers of the Association (President, Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary General and Treasurer), the Regional Representatives (East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Insular Pacific), the Chairperson of the Publications and Research Committee, and the Chairperson of the Education and Training Committee. These EC members have voting rights. The EC may appoint other persons as non-voting members of the EC for specific and temporary purposes.
All Officers of the Association are responsible for providing input to Executive Committee (EC) decisions via email communications, and attending AGMs if at all possible. The Officers of the Association are responsible for appointing Chairs of the Publication and the Education and Training Committees.
President Elect
- Coordinate biannual newsletters, one with each Regional Representative. The President Elect is hence responsible for publishing four newsletters during the two year term. This should enable them to acquire some hands-on knowledge of the organization.
- Oversee/coordinate bids for the next conference (e.g., the conference to be run 4 years from the point of election as President Elect). The President-elect is responsible for collecting bids for holding the conference to be, and bringing them to the EC for final decision.
- Delivers a keynote address at the conference where he or she becomes the new President of the Association. This is like a letter of introduction to the association.
- The President is responsible for liaising between the Local Conference Organizing Committee and the EC, ensuring guidance and quality control for the conference to be held near the end of his or her term. (this would be the conference they originally solicited and managed bids for as President Elect).
- The President is the Chairperson for all EC debate and decisions, and is responsible for summarizing debate and determining action (including asking for votes of the EC) if necessary.
- The President is the primary representative of the Association for all matters involving formal business with other associations, though he or she may delegate this responsibility to other members of the EC.
- Should write an editorial column for the bi-annual newsletter.
- The President should be consulted in all matters pertaining to AJSP, although the Managing Editor and Editor would normally conduct AJSP business.
- The Past-President is responsible for ensuring quality control and delivery of the publication of conference proceedings (that they originally solicited bids for as President Elect). While most of the duties should be carried by the Local Conference Organizing Committee and the editors of the Volume, they should keep the Past President informed of progress and the Past President should inquire as to progress if such reports have not been received.
- The Past President is responsible for advising and assisting the President and President Elect on matters of importance to the Association.
- The Past-President is responsible for overseeing the continuity of the EC, including elections, as required.
- Coordinate all matters regarding membership of the Association, including:
- Acceptance and processing of membership application
- Coordination of membership matters with Blackwell (AJSP Publisher)
- Coordination with person-in-charge of e-mailing list
- Maintaining the membership registry
- Propose and initiate programs or policies that will improve the status of the Associations’ membership
- Announce the notice of meeting of the Association, and prepare the agenda for the meeting.
- Receive nominations for the various elective positions in the Executive Committee.
- Keep all records of the Association and its meetings.
- Monitor financial status of the Association, in order to facilitate its activities.
- Financial report at the annual AGM.
- Alert when in financial crisis.
- Payment of expenses and receipt of revenue.
- Looking after bank account(s).
Regional Representatives
- Responsible for producing one newsletter during their two year term, coordinated by the President Elect. Regional Representatives (RRs) should solicit items for the newsletter from members and an editorial from the President. RRs should provide a report about social psychology in their country or region or origin, focusing on material of their choice.
- Responsible for ensuring a two-way flow of communication between their region and the EC.
- Occasional duties like collecting monies for fellow countrymen to transmit electronically in case there are no credit card facilities for accepting conference fees.
Regional Representatives At-Large
- Responsible for ensuring a two-way flow of communication between their region and the EC.
- Occasional duties like collecting monies for fellow countrymen to transmit electronically in case there are no credit card facilities for accepting conference fees.
Other information
All newsletters should contain at the end contact details for Officers of the association, including RRs. All newsletters should have relevant information about upcoming conference or other association business.
First issue of newsletter following conference should contain a conference report, an upcoming conference announcement, a Treasurer’s report on finances, and a Secretary General’s report on membership. This should appear no later than two months after the conference. The conference report should have attendance figures, winners of awards, election of officers, and of course information about the themes and papers and posters presented at the conference itself.
The newsletter prior to the conference should contain information about the upcoming conference and the summer school for the conference, and also a message from the President Elect.