
Emi Kashima

Emi Kashima is a social and cultural psychologist based in Melbourne, Australia.  Born in Tokyo, she received her PhD in social psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (1989). She is currently Associate Professor at La Trobe University. She has been an active member of AASP since the Association’s inception in 1995.

Past President &

Publication and Research Chair

Allan Bernardo

Allan B. I. Bernardo is a Filipino psychologist who is currently Professor of Psychology at the University of Macau. He received his PhD in cognitive psychology in Yale University (1992).  His current research interests relate to three themes: (a) how intergroup ideologies (particularly polyculturalism) and other lay beliefs relate to intercultural and intergroup relations, (b) social cognitions related to socioeconomic inequality and socioeconomic mobility, and (c) locus-of-hope and other positive character strengths relate to well-being in Asian societies. In the past he has also done research on sociocultural dimensions of achievement motivation, cognitions about learning, and achievement in schools, with a focus on the roles of language, social axioms, and values.

President Elect

Hoon-Seok Choi


Hoon-Seok Choi is Full Professor in the Department of Psychology at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) in Seoul, Korea. He received his Doctoral Degree in Social Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh in 2001. Before taking the faculty position at SKKU in 2004, Hoon-Seok held a faculty position in the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and the School of Management at the University of Ottawa. His primary research involves group processes and intergroup relations, cultural processes, and health behavior.

Secretary General

Li Liu

Li Liu is Professor of Social Psychology and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at Beijing Normal University, China. He holds a doctorate in social psychology from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE). He currently severs as Vice President of Chinese Association of Social Psychology, Associate Editor of Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, and Co-Editors-in-Chief of Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, etc. Inspired by Kurt Lewin’s insight, social psychology as a science of bridging the gap between theory and social reality, he currently conducting research in the areas of intergroup relations, and psychosocial underpinnings of corruption. He has published a number of articles in internationally renowned journals, including Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Social Psychological and Personality Science, Social Indicators Research, and Political Psychology, etc.


Wendy Li


Dr Wendy Li is currently the Treasurer of AASP. She is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology in College of Healthcare Sciences at James Cook University, Australia. Dr Li has an extensive research experience and led projects in Australia, New Zealand and China in areas of ageing, mental health, intergroup relations and discrimination, migration and refugee, and problem gambling and substance abuse. Dr Li has served as Deputy Managing Editor of the Journal of Tropical Psychology and an Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology and International Journal of Social Work and Social Services. Dr Li has been active in voluntary sectors for many years in Australia and New Zealand. She was the founding Chairperson of the Hamilton Chinese Golden Age Society of New Zealand. Dr Li is currently the President of the Townsville Chinese Club.

Education and Training Chair

Itesh Sachdev


Itesh Sachdev, born and raised in Kenya as a multilingual vegetarian, received his formal education in Kenya, UK & Canada.  Following his doctorate in social psychology, his professional academic career has been at the University of London (UK) – at Birkbeck in Applied Linguistics and as Director of the SOAS-UCL Centre for Excellence in ‘Languages of the Wider World’.  He has also held the Fritz Karsen Chair at Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany), served as president of the International Association for Language and Social Psychology, and president of the British Association for Canadian Studies.  He has conducted research in the social psychology of language and intergroup relations with members of various ethnolinguistic groups including those in/from Bolivia, Canada, France, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia and the UK. His current research focuses on issues of urban multilingualism and multiculturalism.

East Asia Regional Representative

Hiroaki Morio

Hiroaki Morio is Professor at Kansai University, Faculty of Informatics, Japan. Ph.D. Social Psychology,  Florida Atlantic University, Department of Psychology, USA

Southeast Asia Regional Representative

Hamdi Muluk

See here

South Asia Regional Representative

Roomana Siddiqui


Professor of social psychology at Aligarh Muslim University. She received her doctorate from the Centre for Advanced Study in Psychology, University of Allahabad. Her research interests pertain to the environment behavior link and how it impacts wellbeing. She is currently researching issues relating to identity, intergroup relations and identifying the barriers and shared spaces between diverse groups which have implications for intergroup harmony. She has worked with international collaborators on projects of significance.

Insular Pacific Regional Representative

Takeshi Hamamura

Takeshi Hamamura is Senior Lecturer of Psychology at Curtin University in Australia. Born and raised in Japan, he completed his education in Japan, the United States, and then Canada, obtaining Ph D from University of British Columbia. Before moving to Curtin, he held a faculty position at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Representatives at large, China

Fang Wang

Dr. Fang Wang is Associate Professor of Social Psychology in the Faculty of Psychology at Beijing Normal University. She got her doctorate from Beijing Normal University, China. She currently serves as the Representative-at-large for China of Asian Association of Social Psychology and the Secretary General of Chinese Association of Social Psychology.

Representatives at large, Hong Kong

Emma Buchtel

Dr. Emma E. Buchtel is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). She received her PhD from the University of British Columbia in 2009, and her main research interests revolve around culture’s effects on motivation, morality, and values.

Representatives at large, Korea

Jungsik Kim


Representatives at large, Taiwan

Chien-Ru Sun


Representatives at large, Malaysia

Elaine Fernandez

Elaine is the current Acting Head of the Department of Psychology, HELP University. She was a graduate of HELP University’s Bachelor of Psychology program, and obtained an MSc in Social Psychology (Distinction) from the University of Surrey, UK. She currently lectures in research and social psychology at HELP University, and is the convener for the Department of Psychology’s Centre for Diversity. At present, she is leading research projects tackling questions on Malaysian social identity, and the creation, maintenance, and consequences of social identification. She is also collaborating on projects pertaining to emotions and collective action, with a recent book chapter published in Research on Emotions in Organizations.

Representatives at large, Philippines

Delia Belleza

A Professor in Psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of San Carlos Cebu (USC). Earned a PhD degree in Social Psychology at the University of the Philippines Diliman. A former Chair of the Department of Psychology, USC and former Board member of the Psychological Association of the Philippines. Currently the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences.

Representatives at large, Singapore

Ching Wan

Ching Wan (Catherine) is currently an Associate Professor at Psychology and Associate Chair (Research) at School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She obtained her PhD in Social Psychology from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She was a recipient of the Michael Harris Bond for Early Research Contributions from Asian Association of Social Psychology. Her major research interests are in cultural representation, cultural identification and normative processes. She has published widely in social and cultural psychology journals such as Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. She currently also serves as an Associate Editor for Journal of Pacific-Rim Psychology.

Representatives at large, Thailand

Watcharaporn Boonyasiriwat

Watcharaporn Boonyasiriwat, Ph.D., Representative from Thailand. Watch was trained in social psychology from the University of Utah, US. She is currently a member of social psychology area at the faculty of psychology, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Watch’s interests in research lie in the areas of attitudes and persuasion in health and work contexts, as well as developing prejudice reduction techniques that are effective for Thai people. She publishes in journals such as Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Journal of Health Psychology. See detailed profile of Watch here

Representatives at large, Germany

Katya Hanke


Representatives at large, UK

Sammyh Khan

Sammyh Khan is a lecturer at Keele University, United Kingdom. He has a PhD from the Centre of Applied Cross Cultural Research (CACR) at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (2011).  Between completing his PhD and joining Keele University, he completed research fellowships at the University of Dundee, the University of St Andrews, and the University of Exeter. He is a Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) with the British Psychological Society (BPS) and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He is a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Social and Political Psychology (JSPP), and serves as an Associate Editor for both the Asian Journal of Social Psychology (AJSP) and the British Journal of Social Psychology (BJSP). Sammyh Khan is also a research associate with the University of Exeter Medical School (UEMS).